Health Tips

What is Kapha Dosha in Ayurveda? Meaning, Type, Characteristics & Treatment

Ayurveda is a holistic approach based on five elements: ‘Aakash’- Space, ‘Water, ‘Vayu’- air, ‘Teja” Fire, and ‘Prithvi’- Earth. The combination of these five elements forms the doshas, Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. Every person has a unique combination of these doshas. In some cases, a specific dosha may be predominantly evident; in others, a particular dosha may be embedded in a larger quantity. Every dosha has its own uniqueness. It is easy to determine which dosha is predominantly embedded. Once you have detected the chief dosha, you can follow a suitable lifestyle to maintain overall well-being. Your chief dosha speaks highly about emotional qualities, body type, and other personality traits. In this blog, we look closer at what is Kapha dosha, the body, and a proper diet to maintain it. 

Kapha Dosha Meaning in Ayurveda

The Kapha dosha in Ayurveda is the combination of water and earth elements. Spring is known as the Kapha season, as many parts of the world emerge from hibernation. The characteristics of the earth and water are channels in the Kapha dosha: Earth’s steadiness, stability, and firmness, while water’s freedom, gelling with other elements, and coolness. 

Kapha Dosha Type

There are five types of Kapa Dosha:

  1. Avalambaka Kapha
  2. Kledaka Kapha
  3. Tarpaka Kapha
  4. Bodhaka Kapha
  5. Sleshaka Kapha

Characteristics of Kapha Dosha

People with predominant Kapha are usually calm, loving in nature, slow-paced, and easygoing. They do not get upset easily, can be possessive in nature, and hold on to long-term relationships. Dr. Pratik Kangsagra is a reputed  Best Ayurvedic doctor in Rajkot. According to him, these types of people are loving and giving as the Kapha mind is calm, cool, steady, and peaceful. 

Kapha Dosha Symptoms in Ayurveda

Kapha dosha symptoms in Ayurveda are as simple as a common cold. An increase in mucus can cause congestion in the chest and lungs. This can also lead to various seasonal diseases and allergies. Additionally, this can cause Kapha imbalance.

How to remove kapha dosha from body?

Ayurveda offers various ways to remove kapha from body. It ensures the body is disease-free by taking care of the composition of the elements of the body. One such method is the Vamana therapy for Kapha dosha. It is an Ayurvedic detoxification process that involves specific steps or procedures. This treatment is specially targeted to remove excess dosha that can cause specific diseases. After the Vamana Ayurvedic treatment, your immune system strengthens, and your mind and emotions are more balanced. That leads to clarity of thought, a better sleep routine, and makes you more energetic.


To restore Kapha to its healthier form, one needs to follow a balanced diet and include exercise and Yoga in one’s routine. A balanced diet for Kapha-predominant individuals should include (specific foods or food groups), while exercise and Yoga can help. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic offers dosha-specific Panchakarma Therapy. So, if you are looking for an Ayurvedic hospital for Vamana therapy, book a session with us today.

Also Read: Ayurveda Doshas Ultimate Guide to the 3 Dosha Types

Ayurvedic and Panchakarma uses holistic healing approach to detoxify the body with various Panchakarma therapies and treatments that prevents illness and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

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