Ayurvedic Therapy

5 Incredible Advantages of Abhyanga Therapy

The need for self-care has gained immense prominence, given the rise of health hazards. In a busy schedule, the need to take care of one’s mental and physical health is the need of the hour. In the hustle of daily life, the practice of Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage helps to reconnect with one’s self. It helps to improve overall well-being and live a stress-free and healthy life. In this blog, we will explore some of the most amazing benefits of Abhyanga and everything you need to know about Abhyanga.

Definition of Abhyanga Therapy

It’s the result of the Sanskrit words anga (movement) and Abhi (towards). Abhyanga is a massage that is performed using oil that is usually warmed in between your palms prior to applying it to yourself or getting treatment.

What Abhyanga Massage?

The Abhyanga massage therapy can be performed on the body with warm herbs and oils. Massage is performed with the intention of promoting the flow of blood through the arterial system. This can help increase blood flow, offer relief from stiffness and pain and aid in detoxify the body. Additionally, it assists in resolving the energy (Dosha) imbalances throughout the body.

What is Panchakarma Abhyanga Therapy in Ayurveda?

The Ayurvedic abhyanga massage can be performed in conjunction with panchakarma therapy. The treatment is performed as part of detoxification as well as cleansing. The Abhyanga massage is an important preparatory stage of the Panchakarma treatment. In the course of treatment, Abhyanga massages are performed in order to get the body ready to begin the process of detoxification. The massage assists detoxify substances towards the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating its seamless elimination.

Types of Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage

  • Sarvanga Abhyanga – Full body Ayurvedic massage
  • Shiro Abhyanga – Ayurvedic head massage.
  • Marma Massage – Pressure point massage.
  • Pada Massage – In Ayurveda “Pada” means feet, Ayurvedic foot massage.
  • Kerala Foot Massage is a form of massage performed with feet.
  • Post-Natal Ayurvedic massage for the new mothers.
  • Ayurvedic massage for babies is suitable for new born babies.

The Benefits of Abhyanga Therapy

There are numerous advantages to abhyanga. A few may be a surprise to you! Below is a listing of a few of the most popular benefits of abhyanga’s long-term practice:

#1 It Helps to Relax the Nerves

Abhyanga is excellent for calming and soothing the entire nervous system. The more you use it, the stronger your results will be. There is a sensation of tranquillity and peace despite the busy activities of daily life. Abhyanga will help us keep peace and clarity when facing difficult circumstances or making difficult choices.

#2 Enhances Stamina and Alertness Throughout the Entire Day

An important and frequently overlooked benefit of self-massage is using herbal massage oils to increase strength and endurance throughout the day. the massaging process increases metabolism, assists in feeding and replenishing the skin’s tone and muscles, synchronizes internal organs’ functions and improves your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and flush them out of the body. And, as if it was not enough already it also reenergizes and revitalizes cells in the body. To achieve optimal wellness through Abhyanga treatment, book a healing session with Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, an Ayurvedic Clinic in Rajkot.

#3 Better and More Comfortable Sleep

If you’re struggling to sleep, the abhyangam full body massage is great to take a few minutes before going to going to bed. Pick up your favourite aromatherapy oil, then take a few minutes during the evening to relax and indulge in a relaxing massage with warm oil and then a bath in warm water.

#4 Healthy Weight Loss and Detoxification

Doing abhyanga regularly on a daily every day is an excellent method to cleanse. Massaging using warm oils aids in the elimination of waste products from the soft tissues of the body. This allows them to be eliminated by the elimination system of our body. If we take advantage of this health benefit and continue to do it with regular workouts, abhyanga could aid in weight loss and healthy lifestyles and is an efficient daily cleanse. Abhyanga can complement regular exercise by strengthening the muscles as well as getting blood flowing.

#5 Self-Care Time

The Sanskrit word Sneha means both “oil” and “love,”. The effects of abhyanga are seen as physical, emotional and psychological well-being. 

Making the practice of taking care of ourselves essentially tells us and those closest to us that we are worthy of being cared for, nurtured and appreciated. This may be overwhelming initially, however, when we put more emphasis on your needs. 

Book Your Abhyanga Massage Appointment at “Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic“.

Abhyanga massage is a potent Ayurvedic treatment that helps calm your body and mind. If it is part of the best Panchakarma Treatment or performed on its own, Abhyanga offers multiple health advantages. It is a great way to nourish the tissues, helps eliminate toxic substances, cleans the skin and enhances overall wellbeing. Abhyanga is required to be performed by a certified therapist under the guidance of an Ayurvedic medical professional.


Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is a well-known Ayurvedic clinic that can provide Abhyanga massage. We assess your health to your condition; our MD Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot suggests what type of massage can aid in improving your well-being and rejuvenating your body and mind. Call us today to book your Panchakarma treatment appointment.

Also Visit: What is the Duration of Panchakarma Treatment?

Ayurvedic Therapy

Why Do People Prefer Ayurvedic Treatments?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical approach that has gained immense prominence worldwide. It shows minimum to no side effects while offering long-term benefits to patients. This is the reason why people prefer Ayurvedic treatments to keep diseases at bay and maintain overall well-being. The Panchakarma treatment is an essential component of Ayurveda. It is a healing approach that works on diseases and improves the overall wellness of the body. 

Here Are Some Reasons Why People Prefer Ayurvedic Treatments:

1. Healing Through the Natural Way

Ayurveda emphasises natural herbs for maintaining the wellness of people. It aims to treat diseases by curing the root cause with the best Panchakarma treatment, exercise, and Yoga, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and living an ethical life. It is not just medication but a way of living. These therapies aim to prevent illness by balancing the doshas. 

2. No to Little Side Effects

Ayurveda is a medical practice that uses natural herbs to heal diseases from the root. It has little to no side effects. The treatment uses herbs, balanced diets, laxatives of natural form, and lifestyle changes to treat issues.

3. Lifestyle Optimization

For everybody, the definition of lifestyle is different. However, what is the same is that everyone wants to live a good life, sleep better, and live a healthy life. The Panchakarma purification helps to detoxify the body. It helps to boost energy levels, improve immune systems, and reduce the chances of chronic diseases. 

4. Preventive Care

The Ayurvedic treatments aim to offer long-term benefits. Along with the healing of the root cause, the holistic approach helps patients live a healthy life. At Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, we ensure that health issues are healed from the root. We have some of the best Ayurvedic Doctors in Rajkot who tailor treatments to suit individual patients. Along with therapies, the healing process includes preventive care techniques like exercise, a balanced diet, and Yoga. 


These are some reasons why people Prefer Ayurvedic Treatments. It is highly effective and cures health issues from the root. The benefits associated with the Panchakarma treatments make it more favored than modern medicines. Ayurveda is not just a medical practice but a way of life. 

Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is an Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot. Our holistic approach and personalized treatments allow us to cater to the needs of different patients with different health issues. Our professional Ayurveda massage therapists are highly proficient and experienced in conducting therapies. To book a healing session with us, you can contact us today and transform your life. 

Also View: What is the Duration of Panchakarma Treatment?

Ayurvedic Therapy

Detox Diaries: A Journey of Healing through Panchakarma Treatments!

Ayurveda means “Science of life”, which has been embraced in India for centuries. The West has, too, started to embrace Ayurveda and its benefits. Ayurveda views diseases as a disbalance of Doshas. The way to heal from these diseases is to bring balance and harmony to doshas. Out of the Ayruvedic treatment, the Panchakarma therapy is the most profound of them. This blog will walk you through the journey of healing through the Panchakarma treatments and how they can bring new-found energy into your life. 

Panchakarma Treatment- Embrace the Wellness Therapy

The main focus of Panchakarma treatment is to purify and rejuvenate the mind.

 The main steps of Ayurvedic detox treatments include: 

  • Poorkarma (Svedhana and Snehana)
  • Purification practice 
  • Post Panchakarma therapies 

What is Detoxification Through Panchakarma Treatments?

Before starting the journey of healing through Panchakarma treatments, you need to understand the detoxification process. There is a lot of confusion relating to detoxification. It is believed that it is meant only for weight loss. However, the detox Ayurvedic treatment goes beyond this. It helps to flush out the toxins from the body and promotes overall well-being. 

It eliminates toxins to allow your body to function at its best abilities. Detoxification can be achieved by bringing lifestyle changes, eating nutrient-rich food and embracing physical exercise and Yoga. Take your first step towards a healthier and rejuvenated body, mind and soul. Consult our MD Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot for the best Panchakarma therapies.

Some of the Benefits of Detoxification Are:

  • Improved digestion
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Strength immune system
  • Boost energy level
  • Promotes healthy habits
  • Clears skin 
  • Purifies blood
  • Boost blood circulation
  • Reduces inflammation 

Rejuvenation Through Panchakarma Treatment

The Panchakarma therapies are traditional forms of detoxification of the body, mind and soul while facilitating rejuvenation. After the toxins are flushed out through the best detox treatment, your internal energy of the body is restored. 

At Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, we emphize on holiestic approch. We offer Panchakarma Treatment in Rajkot to boost the digestive and immune system through special herbs and food intake. These medical herbs enhance the strength of the immune system and help to live a long and healthy life.


The Panchakarma treatment is a powerful way to detoxify the body, rejuvenate and transform your life. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic are the best Ayurvedic Hospital Rajkot. We can help you embark on a transformative journey to wellness, rejuvenation and new-found energy through Panchakarma therapies. 

Our team of Ayurvedic practitioners personalizes the therapies to suit each individual. Consult us today to know which type of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment is best for you and embark journey of healing! Call us now to book a healing session. 

Also Visit: Why Choose Ayurveda for Wellness?

Ayurvedic Therapy

Balancing Act: Navigating the Path to Wellness with Panchakarma Therapy!

In today’s fast-paced life, it has become difficult to dedicate time to one’s health. Our busy schedules leave no time for self-care, which could lead to various mental and physical health issues. Modern medicines offer effective cures for different health conditions but have some side effects and do not address the root of the health issues. The stress and toxins become inescapable, so our body needs rejuvenation and inner cleansing, this is when a natural treatment like panchakarma therapy steps it. 

The Ayurveda Panchakarma provides a profound gateway to purifying that body, mind, and soul. It is a holistic approach to healing that has been embraced globally for centuries. The Panchakarma therapy is a series of cleansing steps designed to address the core cause of imbalances and eliminate the toxins accumulated over time. 

Individual Approach to Rejuvenation

The remarkable aspect of the Panchakarma therapy is its personalized approach. We offer Panchakarma Treatment in Rajkot that is uniquely tailored to meet the specific patients’ constitution and alignment. We understand the needs of different individuals, work closely with them, and supervise the process, making it a highly effective healing method. 

The 5 Pillars of Panchakarma Therapy

#1. Vamana (Therapeutic Vomiting)

This Ayurvedic cleansing induces controlled vomiting to get rid of excess toxins from the body. At our Panchkarma centre, we recommend this treatment for patients with Kapha-related issues like respiratory and digestive tract disorders.

#2. Virechana (Purgation Therapy)

This therapy aims at pitta-doshas and individuals suffering from issues related to Vata and Kapha disorders. It aims to eliminate toxins, improve skin texture, promote a sense of clarity, and improve digestion.

#3. Basti (Therapeutic Enema)

It is considered the cornerstone of Panchakarma to address the Vata Dosha. It purifies the body by gently introducing herbal oils and decoction in the rectum and colon. It nurtures the nervous system, promotes emotional balance, and nourishes the body.

#4. Nasya (Nasal Administration)

It includes the introduction of medicated oils administrated into the nasal tract. This therapy effectively addresses headaches, sinus issues, allergies, and respiratory issues.

#5. Rakhtamokshana (Blood-letting)

This treatment involves using leeches over the body. It is very beneficial for various blood and skin disorders by purifying the blood and improving overall well-being.

Conclusion for Wellness With Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma therapies like Swedana and Abhyanga therapy effectively address specific health issues like asthma, arthritis, stress, and other issues. These therapies not only rejuvenate the mind but also promote mental clarity and emotional balance. When embarking on your healing journey, choosing the right place is pivotal. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot. We offer a serene environment and individual approach to enhance your healing experience.

Under the care of the top Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot, you can experience the transformative power of panchakarma treatments. The therapies help release toxins and imbalances and welcome life with new-found energy and vitality. Book a session with us to Embark on the holistic path to self-healing.

Also Visit: Panchakarma Detox & Its Benefits

Ayurvedic Therapy

Kati-Vasti Therapy: The Ultimate Solution for Back Pain

People suffering from lower back know how it can restrict them from doing the things they love. Daily routine tasks like playing sports or just going for a refreshing walk can become challenging. The worst thing about back pain is that it is a recurring problem that just keeps coming back. Painkillers are a temporary solution that provides relief for a short time. Over the years, people have opted for Ayurvedic treatment that helps to get rid of this severe pain permanently without any side effects. The Kati-Vasti Therapy is one of the best therapies for lower back and related issues.

This Panchakarma Therapy involves using medicated and herbal oils along with a specialized message that treats the problem from the roots and offers long-term relief. The therapy aims to improve blood circulation in the affected area.

Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic offer Panchakarma Treatment in Rajkot. The basic premise of our therapy is to help patients get relief from painful backache. We tailor our treatments to meet individual requirements so the patients can benefit from them. 

Benefits of Kati Vasti Treatment

The Kati Basti therapy is one of the prominent treatments for back pain. Here are some of the health Benefits of Kati Vasti Treatment​:

1. Ease Stiffness

Lower backache can lead to difficulty in mobility and minimize joint flexibility, making daily everyday tasks seem incredibly challenging. Kati Vasti helps to relieve stiffness and allows muscle movement without any difficulty. You can book regular sessions with the best Ayurvedic Hospital Rajkot to help get rid of this severe pain and live a pain-free and healthy life. 

2. Heals Numbness in Legs

Back pain can also cause numbness and tingling in the legs due to compression of the sciatic nerve. The Kati Basti treatment addresses sciatica’s main problem and minimizes its impact on other body parts.

3. Improves Blood Circulation

A relaxing massage follows the Kati Vasti therapy. A soothing, gentle massage enhances the benefits of this treatment. The therapist’s gentle kneading strokes improve blood circulation and release muscle knots that could affect the body’s mobility.

4. Relaxes Inflamed Nerves

The herniated discs press the nerves, which can lead to inflammation and cause severe pain. The inflamed nerves rarely become routine and can worsen the herniated disc problems. The Kati Basti can help soothe inflamed nerves and relieve severe pain.

Conclusion Kati-Vasti Therapy

The Kati Basti offers various health benefits when performed the right way. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic offers authentic Ayurvedic treatments performed by well-trained therapists and qualified physicians. We use quality oils and herbs to maximize your benefit from the treatments. Dr. Pratik Kangsagra is an MD Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot. All the treatments are executed under his supervision. We offer various Panchakarma therapies to help you live your best and healthiest life. To know more, call us today.

Also Visit: Basti Karma Therapy- The Key To Toxic Cleansing

Ayurvedic Therapy

The Best Ayurvedic Therapy for Knee Pain- Janu Basti

There are several therapies and remedies for severe and chronic knee pain. Janu Basti is one of the most effective & best ayurvedic therapy for knee pain that provide significant relief from excruciating pain and stiffness. It is considered to offer long-lasting pain relief and knee-related issues.

Let Us Dive Deeper into Janu Basti Treatment

Janu Basti is a renowned Ayurvedic therapist for knee pain treatment. The name derives from two words, ‘Janu’, which means knee Joint, and Basti, which means Hold. In the Janu Basti therapy, two cabins are made of flour dough and are placed on both kneecaps. Later, warm medicated herbal oil is poured into the cabins, leaving them to sit for some time. This process is repeated a few times. The medicated oil penetrates deep and helps heal the pain and get relief for a long time.

Key Ingredients Used in the Medicated Oil for Janu Basti Ayurvedic Massage

Warm herbal medicated oil is used to heal knee problems. At the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot, our professional therapist uses ghee or oil for this treatment along with herbs like Ashwagandha Balalakshadi taila, sahacharadi tailam, pinda tailam, mahamasha tailam, Ksheerabala,mahanarayana tailam and others. 

Knee Issues That Can Be Healed With Ayurvedic Janu Basti

Several issues are associated with knee pain and can disrupt the patient’s normal routine. The below-mentioned issues can be cured with this treatment:

Osgood Schlatter

It is a common issue that teenagers go through. In this health issue, the patient can experience a bump on their knees. This can lead to pain due to irritation and excessive usage of the tibial tubercle. Janu Basti is one of the best Panchakarma Treatment to provide relief from this chronic pain.

ACL Injury

This injury is associated with the tearing of the cruciate anterior ligament. Many soccer players usually suffer from this problem. This therapy can help heal this known issue from deep and give long-lasting relief. There are various other knee-related diseases that can healed by this Ayurvedic treatment. 

Conclusion For Best Ayurvedic Therapy for Knee Pain

Many Janu Basti therapy benefits can help patients live pain-free and happy lives. It can effectively heal knee problems like burning sensation, stiffness, swelling, inflammation, degeneration, and clicking sounds. It promotes blood flow to the knee and makes them strong. At Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, the treatment is supervised by the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot to ensure patients benefit the most from these therapies. So if you have been suffering from severe knee pain and want long-lasting- relief and to enjoy your favorite outdoor activities, book a healing session today.

Also Read: 4 Hair Fall Treatments in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Therapy

Everything You Need to Know About Raktamokshan Therapy

Today, in the modern world, we are going back to where we started. Not only India but the world is embracing Ayurveda, with numerous individuals benefiting from it. Panchakarma Treatment is a major component of Ayurveda. Another popular procedure is Raktamokshan. In this blog, we will explore the Raktamokshan treatment and how you can benefit from it. 

What is Raktamokshan Therapy?

Raktamokshan is the process of bloodletting. In this process, impure blood is extracted, which can cause a person to face issues. The best Ayurvedic Hospital Rajkot offers this procedure that helps to detoxify the blood, get relief from major problems, and live a long and healthy life.

The Raktamokshan Karma Therapy is Beneficial for the Following Diseases:

  • Skin issues
  • Leukoderma
  • Heart diseases
  • Psoriases
  • Hypertension 
  • Obesity
  • Vertigo 
  • Herpes Infection
  • Overall well-being and detoxification

Raktamokshan Procedure Detials

Pre-treatment: This includes applying ghee or oil. The quantity varies from patient to patient. It is followed by a full body massage. Here are the ways this therapy is performed: 

  • Siravedh: At Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic offers the Best Panchakarma Treatment by removing the impure blood with the help of a scalp vein set to help detox the blood. 
  • Jalaukavacharan: In this procedure, a leech is put on the body to suck the impure blood to ensure a good blood supply in the affected area. 

Advantages of Raktamokshan

We offer the best Panchkarma in Rajkot to ensure you get rid of diseases and issues the natural way with improved lifestyle, yoga, diets and new-found energy. Here are the benefits of the Raktamokshan treatment:

  • It can help you get rid of all types of skin issues
  • It can help You heal from problems like psoriasis. 
  • The Raktamokshan therapy is highly beneficial in treating leukoderma and liken planes.
  • If you are suffering from heart issues or hypertension, you can get relief from it with this therapy. 
  • It purifies the blood and promotes improved blood circulation
  • It detoxifies the body and helps to remove impure and toxin-filled blood.

If you are thinking of Raktamokshan therapy, you can book a session with the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot in the initial months. These months are considered to be the most appropriate to undergo the Raktamokshan therapy. Even a healthy person can opt for this therapy as it helps detoxify the body, gain newfound energy, and live a healthy life. To learn more about Raktamokshan therapy, call Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic Today.

Also Visit: Panchakarma Detox & Its Benefits

Ayurvedic Therapy

4 Reasons Panchakarma Treatment Can Be a Life Changing Experience!

In the modern world, Panchakarma has still remained relevant throughout the years. It has helped transform lives, heal diseases from the roots, and offer a long-lasting impact. Ayurveda emphasizes enhancing one’s natural healing capacity with a deeper connection with nature. 

The Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment involves yoga, meditation, a natural diet, lifestyle changes, and detoxifications as a part of the healing process. Ayurveda has proven to detox the body and balance the doshas that help to heal from within. In this blog, we will examine four reasons as to how Panchakarma can change your life. 

What is Panchakarma Treatment?

Ayurveda helps to detoxify the body and purify it from within. One of the specialized therapy is Panchkarma Treatment in Rajkot, which Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Treatment Clinic offer. It involves five purification treatments to detox and cleanse the body. The Panchakarma therapy cleanses and purifies the body and balances doshas.

1. Enhances Immunity

One of the major reasons the body is vulnerable to diseases and infections is due to a weak immune system. In our fast-paced lives, we tend to consume a large quality of fast food and beverages. Poor lifestyle choices, lack of nutrients, a balanced diet, and irregular sleep patterns have weakened the immune system’s natural defense mechanism. The Ayurveda Panchakarma cleanses the body and boosts the immune system. When the immune system is strong, it fights against diseases and keeps your body and mind at its best. 

2. Detoxfies the Body

Over time, a large number of toxins accumulate in the body through fast food, environmental pollution, contaminants, and poor lifestyle choices. If these toxins are not removed from the body, it can weaken the immune system, and the body is prone to dreadful diseases. This is when you can book a detox session at the  Panchkarma Centre in Rajkot to cleanse the body, eliminate toxins, and purify it.

3. Balances the Dosha

Our body needs the three doshas, viz Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, to remain balanced. When the three doshas are in harmony, we feel rejuvenated, calm, and healthy. However, due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, and other factors, the dosha gets imbalanced. But the Best Panchakarma Treatment addresses this imbalance and brings harmony to enable the body to be in equilibrium once again and be in its best health.

4. Boost Metabolism

Many individuals suffer from obesity and are unable to get rid of unhealthy and stubborn weight. Dr. Pratik Kangsagra is one of the best MD Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot who advises patients to go the natural way- Panchakarma therapy as it can effectively help them lose stubborn weight and boost metabolism. If the metabolism is at its best, the food is processed properly, and the body does not store fats. 


Panchakarma Treatment helps to eliminate toxins, enhance the body’s metabolism, and allow you to live your best life. These are some of how Panchakarma can be highly beneficial to the overall well-being of your body and mind. So, if you are suffering from a long-term ailment, you can visit the Best Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot and purify your body and mind to live a long, happy, and healthy life! To know more about Panchakarma therapies, call Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic today.

Also View:  Panchakarma Detox & Its Benefits

Ayurvedic Therapy

Examining the Benefits of Nasya Therapy

One of the prominent therapy of detoxifying therapy in Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies is the Nasya therapy. This treatment involves administrating medicated oils, herbs, or juices through the nasal cavity. Ayurveda stresses that the nose is the gateway to the brain and conscious mind. This is why the nasal route cleanses and purifies the channels, which benefits the body. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of Nasya treatment and its significance in Ayurveda. 

What is Ayurveda Nasya Therapy Treatment?

Nasya is a Sanskrit word in which ‘Nasa’ means nose and ‘Ayam’ means work. This treatment is administrated through the nasal route. Its purpose is to cleanse and purify the mind’s channel and enable optimal functioning of sensory organs that are above the neck. The Nasya treatment offers various benefits to the body and mind.

Benefits of Nasya Therapy

#1 Enhances Respiratory Health

If Nasya is practised daily, it helps cleanse the nasal passage and sinuses and enhances the improvement of the respiratory tract. It offers relief from congestion, allergies, sinuses, and other respiratory issues. 

#2 Sharpens the Mind

In Ayurveda, the nose is believed to be the route to the brain. This treatment helps to stimulate the cells and improve cognitive functions like memory, intellectual capacity, and concentration. Thus enhancing the oxygen supply that improves neural connectivity and overall well-being. 

#3 Relief from Migraine and Headaches

The Ayurvedic Nasal Therapy provides relief from headaches and migraines. It minimizes painful and frequent headaches by clearing the blockages. 

#4 Improves Skin 

The Nasya Karma Therapy provides several benefits to the skin. The medicated oils and herbs are applied through the nasal route that penetrates deeper into the tissue of the skin, leaving it nourished and rejuvenated. It detoxifies the body and eliminates the toxins that cause pre-age wrinkles, acne, and other skin problems. The nasal therapy improves blood circulation, reduces acne and pigmentation, and promotes graceful ageing. 

#5 Improves Eye Health

The Nasya Karma provides various vision benefits. In Ayurveda, the nasal route is directly connected to the eyes, too. With the medicated oils and herbs applied through the nose, they reach the eyes and prevent eye conditions such as eye strain, dry eyes, and cataracts and improve vision.

Nasya is an excellent treatment that can help maintain the health of your organs that are associated with the head. It helps to improve clarity, mental well-being, and physical health. Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic are one of the best panchakarma treatment in Rajkot that offers various Panchakarma Treatments to enable patients to live their best lives through Ayurveda, yoga, and an improved lifestyle. Call us today to learn more about Ayurvedic treatments. 

Also Visit: Some Amazing Benefits Of An Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic Therapy

Kati Basti in Ayurveda Massage Therapy- Solution for Pains and Aches

Have you been suffering from shoulder, neck, or back? Or muscle stiffness? Ayurveda is an effective measure for all your pain! Ayurveda views every person on a distinctive basis and takes a holistic approach to healing and rejuvenating the body and mind. In this blog, we will discuss about Kati Basti in Ayurveda Massage Therapy.

If you constantly complain about the pains all over my body, especially the back, there are various reasons behind it. It could be due to poor posture that causes physical trauma or stress. There are many people, especially the youth, that overlook the benefits of Yoga and exercise and have a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle.

The Kati Basti massage therapy is proven to be highly effective for people who have been suffering severe back pain, stiff neck, migraines, whiplash, knee pain, dislocated shoulder, RSI, wrist and knee problems, and other issues.

How is the Kati Basti in Ayurveda Massage Therapy Performed?

A dough of black lentil four is prepared, and it is applied over the part that is paining. The area is filled with medicated oil, heated to a certain temperature, and kept at a particular time. This helps soften and loosen the tightness and stiffness in the tissue, easing pain and enhancing mobility. The dam is removed later in the ayurvedic herbal treatment, followed by a kati basti massage and steam treatment. This enhances the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

As a prominent Ayurvedic Hospital Rajkot, we recommend this kati vasti treatment for patients who have been suffering from excruciating pain and want to go the natural way to get rid of these types of issues.

Some Kati Basti Treatment Benefits

  • It Helps to Loosen the Muscle Stiffness and Tightness in the Tissues.
  • It Develops Elasticity in the Muscles and Tissues.
  • It Eases Muscle Spasms and Enhances Mobility
  • It Improves Blood Flow to Reduce Pain
  • The Heat of the Medicated Oil Decreases Swelling and Reduces the Pressure of Nerve Endings.


In Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy, medicated oils, and herbs have miraculous effects on the body. It is a healing treatment that has helped countless people suffering from discomfort. Ketu Ayurveda And Panchakarma Clinic stimulate the movement of blood and enhance the healing process. Kati Basti therapy has helped numerous sportspersons and others as it strengthens the muscles and improves overall performance.

Visit:-  Different Types of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic and Panchakarma uses holistic healing approach to detoxify the body with various Panchakarma therapies and treatments that prevents illness and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

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